Matt Talbot Retreat Group 5 is an organization of alcoholic men in recovery. Each year, we host two retreats and an evening of recollection at The Holy Cross Retreat House on the grounds of Stonehill College in Easton Massachusetts.
Retreat Schedule
Several weeks before each retreat, we mail a notice and retreat application form to active MTG5 members. Should any changes occur, we will publish an announcement on the website and notify members by email.
About Retreats
A retreat is an opportunity to be away from the distractions of daily living for a couple of days, usually a weekend, in order to devote time to spiritual recovery from alcoholism.
A retreat brings together a group of recovering alcoholics in a setting that promotes fellowship and sharing throughout the weekend.
A Retreat Master, who is usually both a recovering alcoholic and a member of the clergy, gives conferences several times during the weekend.
Retreat Groups
There is no affiliation between AA and Matt Talbot Retreats. However, Matt Talbot Retreats are intended to foster and enhance spiritual recovery as suggested by AA's Twelve-Step Program.
Each group sets the cost for its retreats. Most of the cost goes to the retreat house for room and board.
For more information about Matt Talbot retreat groups, visit the Matt Talbot Retreat Movement website.